Open Positions

This section shows all open positions.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The currency denomination of the open position.
Asset Class The asset class of the open position.
FX Rate to Base The conversion rate from asset currency to base currency.
Symbol The symbol of the open position.
Description The description of the open position.
Conid The conid of the open position.
Security ID The security ID of the open position.
Security ID Type The security ID type of the open position.
CUSIP The CUSIP of the open position.
ISIN The ISIN of the open position.
FIGI The FIGI of the open position.
Underlying Conid The underlying conid of the open position if applicable.
Underlying Symbol The underlying symbol of the open position if applicable.
Issuer The company that issued the contract. For structured products only.
Report Date The date of the statement.
Quantity The amount held for the position.
Multiplier The multiplier of the position.
Mark Price The closing price of the position as of the report date.
Position Value Value can be found by multiplying the quantity and the close price.
Open Price The average price of the position.
Cost Basis Price The average price of the position.
Cost Basis Money The cost basis can be found by multiplying the quantity and the cost price.
Percent of NAV Percent of NAV is calculated by the dividing the position value by the total amount for the particular asset class.
FIFO Unrealized PNL Unrealized P/L can be found by subtracting the cost basis from the value.
Side Long or Short.
Level of Detail Summary or Lot.
Open Date Time The date and time of the initial trade.
Holding Period Date Time (Wash Sales) If wash sale, then the holding period date and time will display.
Code The code abbreviation.
Originating Order ID The order ID of lots originating from trades at Interactive Brokers. If the lot originates from an ACATS transfer or a corporate action, there is no available ID. You must set the Level of Detail to Lots to see this field.

Originating Transaction ID

The transaction ID of lots originating from trades at Interactive Brokers.
Accrued Interest Accrued interest.
Commodity Commodity type.
Delivery Physical delivery type.
Weight Weight of delivery.
Fineness Fineness of commodity.
Serial Number Serial number of commodity.